Welcome to CareMoat's new blog! We will be sharing useful news and information on the healthcare and wellness industries. We care about the well being of you and your family.
This first post shows statistics that show how the consumers in healthcare have an increasing out of pocket burden and just how much that is.
Healthcare and wellness costs are often not thought about when all is well. Even if you wanted to understand more and make better decisions, it is difficult with changes in insurance carriers and plans, new provider networks, new government reimbursement rules etc. Yet it is very important for you and your family to be prepared not only to ensure you get the best possible care, but that you have the least financial risk which is often much more than you expect.
The Numbers
Patient healthcare costs - including both deductibles and out-of-pocket maximum payments have increased by almost 30% percent since 2015.
The average deductible is $1,820 and the average out-of-pocket maximum cost is $4,400.
68% of patients failed to fully pay off medical bill balances in 2016, up from 53 percent in 2015, and 49 percent in 2014. This number is expected to climb to 95% by 2020.
67% of Americans are either very worried or somewhat worried about unexpected medical bills (compared to 41 % who are very or somewhat worried about paying their rent or mortgage)
30% of the average healthcare bill now comes from the patient's pocket.
The overall share of gross domestic product (GDP) related to health care spending was 17.7 percent in 2018, down from 17.9 percent in 2017. The insured share of the population was 90.6 percent in 2018 and 90.8 percent in 2017, as the number of uninsured increased by 1 million to 30.7 million in 2018.
54% - More than half of insured Americans reported they were either sometimes or always confused by medical bills. 62% reported being either sometimes or always surprised by out-of-pocket costs.
Fortunately, CareMoat is here to be your life long go-to resource for personalized healthcare support and guidance, day or night 365 days a year.
[more data and sources can be found one this site: